Search For Pediatric Urologists in Ashburn, VA

Pediatric urology is the medical specialty that cares for urinary and genital disorders in children. These disorders include congenital and acquired conditions afflicting the bladder, urethra, ureters, or kidneys. Pediatric urologists are physicians with specialized training in both urology and pediatrics. Patients may visit a pediatric urologist for the following conditions:
Patients may be diagnosed with urinary or genital conditions through a physical examination or through reported symptoms. Imaging procedures such as CT or MRI scans can also reveal underlying structural disorders. For some abnormalities, pediatric urologists may order 3D printed models created of patients' anatomy. These models help pediatric urologists collaborate with pediatric surgeons to plan a surgical strategy. Depending on a child's diagnosed disorder, treatments may vary from pelvic physical therapy to more advanced reconstructive procedures. Pediatric urologists may prescribe:
Pediatric urologists may work with pediatric surgeons, pediatric gynecologists, pediatric radiologists, pediatric nephrologists, pediatric endocrinologists, and pediatric nurses to provide treatment.