Intensivists - Douglasville, GA
We found 7 intensivists in Douglasville, GA.
Dr. Cheryl Augenstein, MD
Dr. Cheryl Augenstein's specialties are general practice and pulmonology (lung & respiratory disease). She practices in Marietta, GA and Douglasville, GA. She graduated from the University of Maryland School of Medicine. -
Dr. Kristen Butler, MD
Dr. Kristen Butler's areas of specialization are family medicine and general surgery; she sees patients in Douglasville, GA. She is a graduate of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Medicine. -
Dr. Samuel Grey Barnhouse Durrett, MD
Dr. Samuel Durrett specializes in adult critical care and pulmonology (lung & respiratory disease) and practices in Douglasville, GA. He studied at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine. -
Dr. Punit Akshaya Vachharajani, MD
Dr. Punit Vachharajani sees patients in Douglasville, GA. His medical specialties are adult critical care and adult pulmonology. He is a graduate of Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine. -
Dr. Syed N. Zafar, MD
Dr. Syed Zafar is an adult critical care specialist in Douglasville, GA. -
Dr. Ramin Saghafi, MD
Dr. Ramin Saghafi, who practices in Douglasville, GA, is a medical specialist in adult critical care and adult pulmonology. He is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. -
Dr. Marshaleen N Henriques King, MD
Dr. Marshaleen King is an adult critical care and adult pulmonology specialist in Douglasville, GA.