Bariatricians - Aurora, CO
We found 11 bariatricians in Aurora, CO.
Dr. Kevin Bradley Rothchild, MD
Dr. Kevin Rothchild sees patients in Aurora, CO and Denver, CO. His medical specialties are general surgery, trauma surgery, and bariatrics (obesity treatment). He studied at Ohio State University College of Medicine. -
Dr. Victoria Catenacci, MD
Dr. Victoria Catenacci specializes in adult endocrinology and bariatric medicine and practices in Aurora, CO. She is a graduate of Yale School of Medicine. -
Dr. Melvin Chan, MD, MPH
Dr. Melvin Chan's areas of specialization are pediatric nephrology and general pediatrics; he sees patients in Aurora, CO. He attended the University of Nevada School of Medicine. -
Dr. Jaime Megan Moore, MD
Dr. Jaime Moore works as a bariatric medicine and general pediatrics specialist in Aurora, CO. She is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. -
Dr. Adam Howard Gilden, MD
Dr. Jacinda Mawson Nicklas, MD, MPH/MSPH
Dr. Jacinda Nicklas specializes in bariatric medicine and practices in Aurora, CO. She studied at Harvard Medical School. -
Kristin Stockman, MS, NP
Ms. Kristin Stockman specializes in endocrinology and bariatric medicine and practices in Aurora, CO. -
Dr. John Michael Michael Taormina, MD
Dr. John Taormina is an Aurora, CO physician who specializes in family medicine. Dr. Taormina studied at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. -
Ms. Leslie Janine Bauer, ANP, MS, RN
Mrs. Aimee Herbert, BSN, NP, FNP
Ms. Aimee Herbert works as an endocrinology, family medicine, and bariatric medicine specialist in Aurora, CO. -
Dr. Ronald Rosedale, M.D.
Dr. Ronald Rosedale sees patients in Aurora, CO. His medical specialties are family medicine and bariatric medicine.