Addiction Therapists - Chula Vista, CA
We found 172 addiction therapists in Chula Vista, CA.
Mrs. Wendy Naomi Hanks, SUDRC
Ms. Wendy Hanks' areas of specialization are counseling and addiction therapy; she sees patients in Chula Vista, CA. -
Ms. Lisa Catherine Padilla
Ms. Lisa Padilla works as a counseling and addiction therapy specialist in Chula Vista, CA. -
Kerstin Marie Cornell, CADCI, LMFT
Ms. Kerstin Cornell specializes in family therapy, counseling, and addiction therapy and practices in Chula Vista, CA. -
Mrs. Ebony M. Baker
Ms. Ebony Baker specializes in counseling and addiction therapy and practices in Chula Vista, CA. -
Irene Merritt Brooks, RADT
Ms. Irene Brooks works as a counseling and addiction therapy specialist in Chula Vista, CA. -
Melissa Rene Larson, CADAC-CAS
Ms. Melissa Larson's specialties are counseling and addiction therapy. She practices in Chula Vista, CA. -
Mr. Jesus Manuel Castro Jr., CCAPP C053520518
Mr. Jesus Castro works as a counseling and addiction therapy specialist in Chula Vista, CA. -
Ms. Teresa E. Whitney, CCS, MHS, CADC-
Ms. Teresa Whitney is a counseling and addiction therapy specialist in Chula Vista, CA. -
Mr. Joseph D. Thornell, RRW
Mr. Joseph Thornell is a counseling and addiction therapy specialist in Chula Vista, CA. -
Marla Beth Gamble, LPCC
Ms. Marla Gamble's specialties are counseling and addiction therapy. She practices in Chula Vista, CA. -
Ms. Rebecca Corrales Dawson, BS, CATC, CAADAC
Ms. Rebecca Dawson's specialties are counseling and addiction therapy. She practices in Chula Vista, CA. -
Mr. Donald M. Awulonie, PCC, SUDC
Mr. Donald Awulonie practices counseling and addiction therapy in Chula Vista, CA. -
Mr. Arthur David Colgate, MS, SUDCC
Mr. Arthur Colgate specializes in counseling and addiction therapy and practices in Chula Vista, CA. -
Mrs. Lina Solash Silva-Cestero
Ms. Lina Silva-Cestero works as a counseling and addiction therapy specialist in Chula Vista, CA. -
Mr. Ronald Laurence Smith
Mr. Ronald Smith practices counseling and addiction therapy in Chula Vista, CA. -
Mr. Greg Thompson
Mr. Greg Thompson practices counseling and addiction therapy in Chula Vista, CA.