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Dr. Thomas G. Barba, D.C., CCSP is a chiropractor in Lewiston, NY specializing in chiropractic. He graduated from National University of Health Sciences in 1989 and has 35 years of experience. Dr. Thomas G. Barba, D.C., CCSP is affiliated with ROSE CHIROPRACTIC, P.C..
435 Ridge Street
Lewiston, NY 14092
Dr. Thomas G. Barba, D.C., CCSP graduated from National University of Health Sciences in 1989. He has a state license in New York.
Medical School: National University of Health Sciences (1989)
Licensed In: New York
Dr. Thomas G. Barba, D.C., CCSP is associated with these hospitals and organizations:
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Dr. Thomas Barba specializes in chiropractic and practices in Lewiston, NY. Dr. Barba obtained a license to practice in New York.