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Dr. Ronald Rasor, M.D. is a gastroenterologist in Eglin AFB, FL specializing in adult gastroenterology.
307 Boatner Road Suite 114 Sgomi
Eglin AFB, FL 32542
He has a state license in Florida.
Licensed In: Florida
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These charts describe general payments received by Dr. Ronald Rasor, M.D.. Doctors may receive payments for a number of reasons, including meal compensation, travel compensation, and consulting.
Gilead Sciences Inc |
Harvoni $61 |
$147 |
Aptalis Pharma US, Inc |
ZENPEP $101 |
Luitpold Pharmaceuticals Inc |
$84 |
Salix Pharmaceuticals, Ltd |
Xifaxan 550 mg $17 |
UCB, Inc. |
Cimzia $29 |
Other |
Talon Grasping Device $16 |
3i-Dental $15 |
Victoza $15 |
Other $13 |
Food and Beverage | $551 |
Dr. Ronald Rasor, who practices in Eglin AFB, FL, is a medical specialist in adult gastroenterology. Dr. Rasor has obtained a license to practice in Florida.