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Michael T. Singer, DDS, BS, FAAMP, FACP is a prosthodontist in Bethesda, MD specializing in prosthodontics (tooth repair and replacement).
10215 Fernwood Road #601
Bethesda, MD 20817
He has a state license in Maryland.
Licensed In: Maryland
Michael T. Singer, DDS, BS, FAAMP, FACP does not have any reviews yet, be the first to leave a review of Michael T. Singer, DDS, BS, FAAMP, FACP here: Leave a Review
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These charts describe general payments received by Michael T. Singer, DDS, BS, FAAMP, FACP. Doctors may receive payments for a number of reasons, including meal compensation, travel compensation, and consulting.
A-dec, Inc. |
$195 |
Straumann USA LLC |
$107 |
BIomet 3i, LLC |
3i-Dental $56 |
BioHorizons Implant Systems Inc. |
BioHorizons Dental Implants $49 |
Geistlich Pharma, North America, Inc. |
Bio Materials $34 |
Other |
ASTRA TECH Implant System $18 |
DrufoSmart $14 |
Food and Beverage | $201 |
Gift | $195 |
Entertainment | $107 |
Dr. Michael Singer specializes in prosthodontics (tooth repair and replacement) and practices in Bethesda, MD. Dr. Singer obtained a license to practice in Maryland.