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Melissa Ann Tauer, MS, LPC, LPC-MH is a counselor in Brandon, SD specializing in counseling. Melissa Ann Tauer, MS, LPC, LPC-MH is affiliated with Sanford Health.
1105 E. Holly Boulevard
Brandon, SD 57005
5920 E. Madison Street
Sioux Falls, SD 57110
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Mental Health Issues
Mental health issues, also referred to as mental health disorders or mental health illnesses, are a wide variety of conditions that impact behavior, emotion, and cognition. There are many different forms of mental health issues, some of which are acute (short-term), while others are chronic. Common mental health issues include:
No single cause of mental health issues exists. Multiple factors may increase one's risk for developing mental health issues, including but not limited to:
Mental health issues are typically diagnosed by a provider like a psychiatrist or a psychologist. These issues are diagnosed through psychological evaluation and talk therapy.
Mental health therapy can be an effective tool in supporting people who are struggling with unwanted feelings, behaviors, or difficult circumstances in their lives. Many forms of therapy are available, including specialized therapies tailored to particular disorders. For many issues, therapists help patients manage their conditions through talk therapy. Other treatments can include medication or stays at a psychiatric facility. Mental health therapy can help people with mental health issues improve their mental and emotional wellbeing.
She has a state license in South Dakota.
Licensed In: South Dakota
Melissa Ann Tauer, MS, LPC, LPC-MH is associated with these hospitals and organizations:
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Ms. Melissa Tauer specializes in counseling. In her practice, Ms. Tauer focuses on behavioral therapy. She is affiliated with Sanford Health.