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Kathryn Michele Hannah, LCMHC is a counselor in Winston-Salem, NC specializing in counseling. Kathryn Michele Hannah, LCMHC is affiliated with Novant Health.
175 Kimel Park Drive
Winston-Salem, NC 27103
220 E. First Ave. Extension
Lexington, NC 27292
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Mental Health Therapy
Therapy, in a mental health context, includes a broad range of treatments designed to help people feel and function better in their daily lives. It usually involves talking to a professional to gain insight and coping skills for stressful life events. Some of the fields that may be included under mental health therapy are:
The use of mental health therapy is extremely common and can be an effective tool in supporting people who are struggling with life changes, unwanted feelings and behaviors, or difficult circumstances in their lives. Those who are feeling stuck with an issue or circumstance may find therapy to be a healing way to be guided past it towards a more positive future.
She has a state license in North Carolina.
Licensed In: North Carolina
Kathryn Michele Hannah, LCMHC is associated with these hospitals and organizations:
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Ms. Kathryn Hannah is a counseling specialist in Lexington, NC. Ms. Hannah has obtained a license to practice in North Carolina.