Cognitive Therapists - Seattle, WA
We found 26 cognitive therapists in Seattle, WA. See refinement options below.
Dr. Alysha D. Thompson, PhD
Dr. Alysha Thompson's areas of specialization are psychiatry, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and child psychology; she sees patients in Seattle, WA. -
Dr. Catherine Maria Caska Wallace, PH.D.
Dr. Catherine Wallace's specialties are group therapy, family therapy, and psychology. She practices in Seattle, WA. -
Ms. Jennifer Rose Tininenko, PHD
Dr. Jennifer Tininenko practices cognitive-behavioral therapy and child psychology in Seattle, WA. -
Dr. Thomas Kimball Brasted, PSYD
Dr. Thomas Brasted's specialties are psychology and cognitive-behavioral therapy. He practices in Seattle, WA. -
Dr. Elizabeth Anne Milo, PH.D.
Dr. Elizabeth Milo's specialties are family therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and child psychology. She practices in Seattle, WA. -
Dr. Deborah L. Hill, PH.D.
Dr. Deborah Hill works as a neuropsychology, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and child psychology specialist in Seattle, WA. -
Dr. Andrea Christine Neal, PHD
Dr. Andrea Neal specializes in cognitive-behavioral therapy and practices in Seattle, WA. -
Dr. Beatriz Aramburu, PHD
Dr. Beatriz Aramburu specializes in cognitive-behavioral therapy and practices in Seattle, WA. -
Jordan Alix Lyon, PH.D.
Dr. Jordan Lyon works as a cognitive-behavioral therapy specialist in Seattle, WA. -
Dr. Angela Marie Davis, PH.D.
Dr. Angela Davis works as a cognitive-behavioral therapy specialist in Seattle, WA. -
Dr. Stacy Shaw Welch
Dr. Stacy Welch's specialties are cognitive-behavioral therapy and child psychology. She practices in Seattle, WA. -
Dr. John Nathan Moritsugu, PH.D.
Dr. John Moritsugu works as a psychology and cognitive-behavioral therapy specialist in Seattle, WA. -
Dr. Jonathan Bricker, PHD
Dr. Jonathan Bricker practices cognitive-behavioral therapy in Seattle, WA. -
Dr. Aaron Parker, PSYD
Dr. Aaron Parker's specialties are cognitive-behavioral therapy and health psychology. He practices in Seattle, WA. -
Dr. Kelly M. Carpenter, PHD
Dr. Kelly Carpenter works as a cognitive-behavioral therapy and health psychology specialist in Seattle, WA. -
Nancy Ellen Cohen, PH.D.
Dr. Nancy Cohen specializes in cognitive-behavioral therapy, health psychology, and child psychology and practices in Seattle, WA.