Physiatrists - Nashville, TN
We found 71 physiatrists in Nashville, TN.
Dr. Victor W. Isaac, MD
Dr. Victor Isaac's specialties are physiatry (physical medicine & rehabilitation) and pain medicine. He practices in Nashville, TN and Nashville-Davidson, TN. Dr. Isaac is a graduate of New York College of Osteopathic Medicine. -
Dr. Carolyn Thompson Chudy, DO
Dr. Gene A. Hannah, MD
Dr. Gene Hannah specializes in general practice, orthopedics/orthopedic surgery, and sports medicine and practices in Nashville, TN. Dr. Hannah is a graduate of the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine. -
Dr. Aaron Jay Yang, MD, BS
Dr. Aaron Yang works as a general practice, physiatry (physical medicine & rehabilitation), and pediatric sports medicine specialist in Nashville, TN. -
Mrs. Lauren A. Kinney, APRN, FNP
Ms. Lauren Kinney's areas of specialization are physiatry (physical medicine & rehabilitation), family medicine, and nutrition; she sees patients in Nashville, TN. -
Dr. William Mosi Jones, MD
Dr. William Jones practices physiatry (physical medicine & rehabilitation) and sports medicine in Nashville, TN. -
Dr. Byron J. Schneider, MD
Dr. Byron Schneider, who practices in Nashville, TN and Franklin, TN, is a medical specialist in physiatry (physical medicine & rehabilitation). He is a graduate of the University of Kentucky College of Medicine. -
Dr. Barton West Huddleston, MD
Dr. Barton Huddleston works as a physiatry (physical medicine & rehabilitation) specialist in Nashville, TN and Lebanon, TN. Dr. Huddleston studied at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Medicine. -
Dr. Stephen Schaaf, MD
Dr. Stephen Schaaf practices physiatry (physical medicine & rehabilitation) and sports medicine in Nashville, TN and Mount Juliet, TN. -
Dr. David James Kennedy, MD
Dr. David Kennedy is a specialist in physiatry (physical medicine & rehabilitation). He works in Nashville, TN. He graduated from the University of Florida College of Medicine. -
Holly Ann Kniery, MSN, FNP
Ms. Holly Kniery works as a physiatry (physical medicine & rehabilitation), family medicine, and spinal cord injury medicine specialist in Nashville, TN. -
Dr. Ashley Marie Eaves, MD
Dr. Ashley Eaves practices physiatry (physical medicine & rehabilitation) in Nashville, TN and Lebanon, TN. She is a graduate of Boston University School of Medicine. -
Dr. Clausyl Plummer II, MD
Dr. Clausyl Plummer is a physiatry (physical medicine & rehabilitation) and brain injury medicine specialist in Nashville, TN. He graduated from George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences. -
Kathryn Hansen, ANP, PhD
Dr. Kathryn Hansen works as a physiatry (physical medicine & rehabilitation) and integrative medicine specialist in Nashville, TN. -
Dr. Cyrus Kao, M.D.
Dr. Cyrus Kao is a physiatry (physical medicine & rehabilitation) specialist in Nashville, TN. -
Kathleen Wolff, APRN, MSN
Ms. Kathleen Wolff is a physiatry (physical medicine & rehabilitation), family medicine, and integrative medicine specialist in Nashville, TN.