Addiction Therapists - West Linn, OR
We found 8 addiction therapists in West Linn, OR.
Jason M. Head
Mr. Jason Head practices counseling and addiction therapy in West Linn, OR. -
Donald J. Wright, NBCC, CADC
Mr. Donald Wright's specialties are counseling and addiction therapy. He practices in West Linn, OR. -
Dr. Terrence K. Wager, PSY.D.
Dr. Terrence Wager's specialties are group therapy, family therapy, and cognitive-behavioral therapy. He practices in West Linn, OR. -
Prentice Geary, QMHA, CADC III
Mr. Prentice Geary is a counseling and addiction therapy specialist in West Linn, OR. -
Miranda Gambetti, LPC, CADC II
Ms. Miranda Gambetti works as a counseling and addiction therapy specialist in West Linn, OR. -
Christina Marie Amoroso
Ms. Christina Amoroso works as a social work, counseling, and addiction therapy specialist in West Linn, OR. -
Ms. Nancy Garcia Barber
Ms. Nancy Barber is a counseling and addiction therapy specialist in West Linn, OR. -
Sam Zwerling
Mr. Sam Zwerling's areas of specialization are social work, counseling, and addiction therapy; he sees patients in West Linn, OR.