Hospitalists - Springfield, OH
We found 26 hospitalists in Springfield, OH.
Dr. Courtney L. Zartman, MD
Dr. Courtney Zartman specializes in hospital medicine (hospitalist) and practices in Columbus, OH and Springfield, OH. Dr. Zartman is a graduate of Ohio State University College of Medicine. -
Mrs. Bernice A. Hawley, APRN-CNP
Ms. Bernice Hawley works as a hospital medicine (hospitalist) specialist in Springfield, OH. -
Dr. Bhavini Tailor, MD
Dr. Bhavini Tailor is a hospital medicine (hospitalist) specialist in Springfield, OH and Canton, OH. She graduated from the University Of Medicine & Health Sciences-Saint Kitts Medical School. -
Dr. Ehsen Zawwar Rao, MD
Dr. Ehsen Rao is a hospital medicine (hospitalist) specialist in Springfield, OH. He is a graduate of UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. -
Emily G. Trompak, PA
Ms. Emily Trompak specializes in hospital medicine (hospitalist) and practices in Beavercreek, OH, Springfield, OH, and Canton, OH. -
Dr. Pavan G. Reddy, MD
Dr. Pavan Reddy is a specialist in hospital medicine (hospitalist). He works in Springfield, OH and Canton, OH. He studied at the University of Toledo College of Medicine. -
Dr. Suchitha Bheemreddy, MD
Dr. Suchitha Bheemreddy, who practices in Springfield, OH and Canton, OH, is a medical specialist in hospital medicine (hospitalist). She studied at Mahadevappa Rampure Medical College, Gulbarga. -
Dr. Nawaz Ahmed, MD
Dr. Nawaz Ahmed's specialties are family medicine and hospital medicine (hospitalist). He practices in Barberton, OH, Springfield, OH, and Canton, OH. He graduated from Ross University School of Medicine. -
Dr. Azeez Ciba, MD
Dr. Azeez Ciba specializes in hospital medicine (hospitalist) and practices in Springfield, OH and Sycamore Township Ham Oh, OH. He studied at Saba University School of Medicine. -
Dr. Chukwuemeke O. Nkadi, M.D.
Dr. Chukwuemeke Nkadi specializes in adult cardiology and hospital medicine (hospitalist) and practices in Springfield, OH and Beavercreek, OH. He studied at the University of Illinois College of Medicine. -
Dr. Xavier Atencio, MD
Dr. Xavier Atencio works as a hospital medicine (hospitalist) specialist in Springfield, OH and Troy, OH. -
Dr. Triyug B. Malla Thakuri, MD
Dr. Triyug Malla Thakuri, who practices in Springfield, OH, is a medical specialist in hospital medicine (hospitalist). Dr. Malla Thakuri attended Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. -
Dr. Ayesha M. Imam, MD
Dr. Ayesha Imam's specialties are hospital medicine (hospitalist) and critical care (intensive care medicine). She practices in Springfield, OH. Dr. Imam graduated from Aga Khan University Medical College. -
Dr. Hussain Almusawi, MD
Dr. Hussain Almusawi attended Medical University Of The Americas-Nevis Medical School. -
Dr. Riad Akkari, MD
Dr. Riad Akkari is an adult critical care and hospital medicine (hospitalist) specialist in Springfield, OH and Canton, OH. He attended Ross University School of Medicine. -
Dr. Munis M. Ahmed, MD
Dr. Munis Ahmed specializes in hospital medicine (hospitalist) and practices in Springfield, OH and Canton, OH. He attended King Edward Medical University.