Therapists - Newark, OH
We found 154 therapists in Newark, OH. See refinement options below.
Mrs. Karen McHugh-Fornadel, PC
Ms. Karen McHugh-Fornadel is a counseling specialist in Newark, OH and Columbus, OH. -
Ms. Loretta Kaye Snoke, LICDC
Ms. Loretta Snoke's areas of specialization are counseling and addiction therapy; she sees patients in Newark, OH. -
Deidre L. Brooke, PC
Ms. Deidre Brooke practices counseling in Newark, OH. -
Elizabeth R. Chalfant, LICDC, LISW-S
Ms. Elizabeth Chalfant's specialties are social work, counseling, and addiction therapy. She practices in Newark, OH. -
Ms. Paula G. Shearer, LSW
Ms. Paula Shearer's specialties are social work and counseling. She practices in Newark, OH. -
Mr. James Takacs, LICDC-CS
Mr. James Takacs practices counseling and addiction therapy in Newark, OH. -
Bethany K. Swetnam, LCDCII, SWA
Ms. Bethany Swetnam's specialties are social work, counseling, and addiction therapy. She practices in Newark, OH. -
Sandra A. Messina, LCDCII, SWA
Ms. Sandra Messina's specialties are counseling and addiction therapy. She practices in Newark, OH. -
Kimm A. Stauffer, LICDC
Ms. Kimm Stauffer's areas of specialization are counseling and addiction therapy; she sees patients in Newark, OH. -
Cheryl R. Hoshor, LCDC-III, LSW
Ms. Cheryl Hoshor is a social work, counseling, and addiction therapy specialist in Newark, OH. -
Mrs. Jennifer Odessa Lacknett, MSW, LCDC III, LSW
Ms. Jennifer Lacknett practices counseling and addiction therapy in Newark, OH. -
Ms. Claire Ann Robitaille, PH.D, PSYCHOLOGIST
Dr. Claire Robitaille's specialties are social work and psychology. She practices in Newark, OH. -
William P. McFarren, EDD
Dr. William McFarren works as a psychology specialist in Newark, OH. -
Dr. Tatia Williams, PSYCHOLOGIST, PSY.D.
Dr. Tatia Williams' areas of specialization are psychology and counseling; she sees patients in Newark, OH. -
Dr. Jeffrey Alan Christiansen, PSY.D.
Dr. Jeffrey Christiansen works as a psychology specialist in Newark, OH. -
Cecil M. Miller, PHD
Dr. Cecil Miller works as a psychology specialist in Newark, OH.