Hematologists - Columbus, OH
We found 138 hematologists in Columbus, OH.
Dr. Mary Jane Misischia, DO
Dr. Mary Misischia specializes in adult hematology and adult oncology and practices in Avon, OH and Columbus, OH. -
Dr. Robert Dean Rupert Jr., MD
Dr. Robert Rupert, who practices in Marysville, OH, Columbus, OH, and Berkshire Township, OH, is a medical specialist in adult hematology and adult oncology. Dr. Rupert attended Ohio State University College of Medicine. -
Dr. Tamanna Z. Haque, MD
Dr. Tamanna Haque specializes in adult hematology and practices in Columbus, OH. She studied at SUNY Downstate Medical Center College of Medicine. -
Dr. Sameh E. Mikhail, MD
Dr. Sameh Mikhail sees patients in Columbus, OH. His medical specialties are adult hematology, adult oncology, and medical oncology. -
Dr. Amy L. Dunn, MD
Dr. Amy Dunn is an adult hematology and pediatric hematology/oncology specialist in Columbus, OH. She graduated from Wright State University, Boonshoft School of Medicine. -
Dr. Rolla F. Abu-Arja, MD
Dr. Rolla Abu-Arja is a pediatric hematology/oncology and general pediatrics specialist in Columbus, OH and Powell, OH. Dr. Abu-Arja graduated from the University of Jordan Faculty of Medicine. -
Dr. Elizabeth M. Kander, MD
Dr. Elizabeth Kander works as an adult hematology and adult oncology specialist in Columbus, OH. She is a graduate of Georgetown University School of Medicine. -
Dr. Yvonne A. Efebera, MD
Dr. Yvonne Efebera specializes in oncology (cancer care) and practices in Columbus, OH. She graduated from Penn State College of Medicine. -
Dr. Basem William, MD
Dr. Basem William is a specialist in oncology (cancer care). He works in Marion, OH and Columbus, OH. -
Dr. Margaret Lamb, MD
Dr. Margaret Lamb is a specialist in pediatric hematology/oncology. She works in Columbus, OH. She attended Ohio State University College of Medicine. -
Kristin Nicole Zajo, CGC
Ms. Kristin Zajo's specialties are oncology (cancer care), genetics, and hematology (blood disorders). She practices in Columbus, OH. -
Dr. John C. Byrd, MD
Dr. John Byrd is a specialist in adult hematology and medical oncology. He works in Columbus, OH and Cincinnati, OH. Dr. Byrd attended the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Medicine. -
Dr. Kami J. Maddocks, MD
Dr. Kami Maddocks is a Columbus, OH physician who specializes in adult hematology. She is a graduate of the University of South Dakota, Sanford School of Medicine. -
Dr. Jeanna L. Knoble, MD
Dr. Jeanna Knoble is an adult hematology, adult oncology, and medical oncology specialist in Columbus, OH and Grove City, OH. Dr. Knoble graduated from Ohio State University College of Medicine. -
Dr. Timothy D. Moore, MD
Dr. Timothy Moore is an adult oncology, medical oncology, and hematology (blood disorders) specialist in Columbus, OH. Dr. Moore studied at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. -
Dr. Tarek A. Chidiac, MD
Dr. Tarek Chidiac specializes in adult hematology, adult oncology, and medical oncology and practices in Columbus, OH.