Addiction Medicine Doctors - Columbus, OH
We found 62 addiction medicine doctors in Columbus, OH.
Dr. Milroy J. Samuel, MD
Dr. Milroy Samuel's specialties are addiction medicine and obstetrics & gynecology. He practices in Columbus, OH. He is a graduate of Meharry Medical College. -
Dr. Robert J. Masone, MD
Dr. Robert Masone, who practices in Columbus, OH and Lancaster, OH, is a medical specialist in anesthesiology and addiction medicine. -
Dr. Mona Rani Prasad, DO, MPH
Dr. Mona Prasad's specialties are addiction medicine, obstetrics & gynecology, and neonatology. She practices in Columbus, OH and Dublin, OH. She graduated from Midwestern University, Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine. -
Dr. Ramona Mahesh Bhatt, DO
Dr. Ramona Bhatt's specialties are addiction psychiatry, general practice, and addiction medicine. She practices in Westerville, OH and Columbus, OH. -
Dr. Anthony D. Agra, MD
Dr. Anthony Agra's specialties are addiction medicine and adult nephrology. He practices in Columbus, OH. -
Nicholas Baston, DNP, APRN, PMHNP
Mr. Nicholas Baston works as an addiction psychiatry, general practice, and addiction medicine specialist in Columbus, OH. -
Dr. Siddharth Arora, D.O., M.S.
Dr. Levi K. Harper, MD
Dr. Levi Harper sees patients in Columbus, OH. His medical specialty is emergency medicine. He attended the University of Kentucky College of Medicine. -
Gina Vaisberg, APRN-CNP, PMHNP
Ms. Gina Vaisberg's areas of specialization are addiction psychiatry, general practice, and addiction medicine; she sees patients in Columbus, OH. -
Dr. Orman Trent Hall, DO
Dr. Orman Hall is a Columbus, OH physician who specializes in addiction psychiatry and addiction medicine. He attended Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine. -
Dr. James Frederick Guenther, D.O.
Dr. James Guenther is an addiction medicine specialist in Lancaster, OH and Columbus, OH. He is a graduate of Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. -
Dr. Julie E. Teater, MD
Dr. Julie Teater is an addiction medicine and psychiatry specialist in Columbus, OH. Dr. Teater attended Ohio State University College of Medicine. -
Dr. Krisanna L. Deppen, MD
Dr. Krisanna Deppen's specialties are general practice and addiction medicine. She practices in Grove City, OH and Columbus, OH. -
Dr. Chang-Yong Tsao, MD
Dr. Chang-Yong Tsao sees patients in Columbus, OH and Gahanna, OH. His medical specialties are pediatric neurology, addiction medicine, and psychiatry. He studied at Taipei Medical University. -
Dr. Casia E. Horseman, MD
Dr. Casia Horseman, who practices in Columbus, OH, is a medical specialist in addiction medicine and psychiatry. She graduated from Ohio State University College of Medicine. -
Logan McGinty, APRN-CNP
Mr. Logan McGinty's specialties are addiction psychiatry, general practice, and addiction medicine. He practices in Newark, OH and Columbus, OH.