Vascular Surgeons - Garner, NC
We found 6 vascular surgeons in Garner, NC.
Dr. Robert R. Mendes, MD, FACS
Dr. Robert Mendes' areas of specialization are general practice and vascular surgery; he sees patients in Raleigh, NC, Garner, NC, and Clayton, NC. Dr. Mendes is a graduate of the University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine. -
Dr. Suman M. Wasan, MD
Dr. Suman Wasan's specialties are general practice, vascular surgery, and vascular medicine (blood vessel disease). She practices in Raleigh, NC, Holly Springs, NC, and Garner, NC. She studied at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, School of Medicine. -
Dr. S. Wayne Smith, MD, FACP
Dr. S. Smith specializes in general practice, vascular surgery, and vascular medicine (blood vessel disease) and practices in Raleigh, NC and Garner, NC. He graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine. -
Sara Beth Liles, FNP
Ms. Sara Liles works as a general practice, family medicine, and vascular surgery specialist in Raleigh, NC, Smithfield, NC, and Holly Springs, NC. -
Brandy Nichole Baugh, NP, FNP
Ms. Brandy Baugh's specialties are family medicine, vascular surgery, and cardiology (heart disease). She practices in Raleigh, NC, Clayton, NC, and Smithfield, NC. -
Dr. Jason K. Kim, MD, FACS
Dr. Jason Kim is a specialist in vascular surgery. He works in Raleigh, NC and Garner, NC. He attended Medical College of Georgia.