Family Medicine practitioners - Auburn, MA
We found 26 family medicine practitioners in Auburn, MA.
Dr. Thomas E. Jaquith, MD
Dr. Thomas Jaquith-Houston is an Auburn, MA physician who specializes in family medicine. Dr. Jaquith-Houston graduated from the University of Massachusetts Medical School. -
Dr. Edlira Duro, MD
Dr. Edlira Duro works as a family medicine specialist in Auburn, MA. -
Karen M. Fleming, NP
Ms. Karen Fleming practices family medicine in Auburn, MA. -
Dr. Liesl Matzka, MD
Dr. Liesl Matzka specializes in family medicine and practices in Auburn, MA. She graduated from the University of Massachusetts Medical School. -
Dr. Tatyana Sayko, MD
Dr. Tatyana Sayko specializes in family medicine and practices in Auburn, MA. -
Cheri Anne Klinghard, FNP
Ms. Cheri Klinghard works as a family medicine specialist in Auburn, MA. -
Dr. Eric M. Lupoli, D.O.
Dr. Eric Lupoli works as a family medicine specialist in Auburn, MA. -
Savanna M. Conger, NP
Ms. Savanna Conger practices family medicine in Boston, MA and Auburn, MA. -
Dr. Tammy E. Vargas, MD
Dr. Tammy Vargas is a family medicine specialist in Auburn, MA and Charlton, MA. -
Miss Katie Louise Sheary, PA
Ms. Katie Sheary is a family medicine specialist in Auburn, MA. -
Dr. Iwona Prabucka-Davis, DNP FNP-BC
Dr. Iwona Prabucka-Davis specializes in family medicine and practices in Auburn, MA. -
Dr. Monisha Sarin, MD
Dr. Monisha Sarin sees patients in Worcester, MA, Shrewsbury, MA, and Auburn, MA. Her medical specialty is family medicine. -
Sonja Schaffer, FNP
Ms. Sonja Schaffer specializes in family medicine and practices in Charlton, MA and Auburn, MA. -
Melissa Long, NP, FNP
Ms. Melissa Long works as a family medicine and urology (urinary tract disease) specialist in Worcester, MA and Auburn, MA. -
Dr. David Gilchrist, MD
Dr. David Gilchrist sees patients in Worcester, MA and Auburn, MA. His medical specialty is family medicine. He is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts Medical School. -
Mrs. Rebecca Curci, FNP
Ms. Rebecca Curci's areas of specialization are general practice and family medicine; she sees patients in Auburn, MA.