Surgeons - Covington, LA
We found 125 surgeons in Covington, LA.
Dr. Herschel David Vargas, MD
Dr. Herschel Vargas' specialties are general practice, surgical oncology (cancer surgery), and colon & rectal surgery. He practices in Covington, LA and New Orleans, LA. He graduated from The University of Virginia Health System. -
Dr. Benjamin G. Guevara, MD
Dr. Benjamin Guevara specializes in general practice, orthopedics/orthopedic surgery, and sports medicine and practices in Slidell, LA. He graduated from LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans. -
Dr. Bryan Scott Dudoussat, MD
Dr. Bryan Dudoussat works as a general practice, hand surgery, and orthopedics/orthopedic surgery specialist in Hammond, LA and Covington, LA. Dr. Dudoussat graduated from LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans/ LSU School of Medicine in New Orleans. -
Dr. Kevin Goodson, MD
Dr. Kevin Goodson's specialties are general practice and orthopedics/orthopedic surgery. He practices in Covington, LA. He graduated from LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans. -
Dr. Peter B. Blessey, MD
Dr. Peter Blessey's areas of specialization are general practice, orthopedics/orthopedic surgery, and sports medicine; he sees patients in Slidell, LA and Covington, LA. He studied at LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans. -
Dr. Benjamin Brown, MD
Dr. Benjamin Brown's areas of specialization are general practice, spine surgery, and spinal cord injury medicine; he sees patients in Covington, LA. He is a graduate of LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans/ LSU School of Medicine in New Orleans. -
Dr. Walter R. Cazayoux, MD
Dr. Walter Cazayoux, who practices in Mandeville, LA and Covington, LA, is a medical specialist in urology (urinary tract disease). He attended Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans. -
Dr. Kyle P. McMullen, MD
Dr. Kyle McMullen's specialties are pediatric otolaryngology (ear, nose & throat) and general practice. He practices in Covington, LA. Dr. McMullen graduated from LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans. -
Dr. Gregory J. Eckholdt, MD
Dr. Gregory Eckholdt's specialties are cardiac surgery and general practice. He practices in Covington, LA. He studied at LSU Medical Center. -
Dr. Seth B. Hayes, MD
Dr. Seth Hayes' areas of specialization are general practice, spine surgery, and spinal cord injury medicine; he sees patients in Covington, LA. He is a graduate of Medical Center of LA/LSUHSC. -
Jessica L. Harvey, PA
Ms. Jessica Harvey specializes in pain medicine and surgery and practices in Covington, LA. -
Dr. Brian Joseph Ladner, MD
Dr. Brian Ladner is an orthopedics/orthopedic surgery specialist in Hammond, LA and Covington, LA. He attended the University of Mississippi School of Medicine. -
Dr. Joshua D. Parks, MD
Dr. Joshua Parks, who practices in Covington, LA and Gretna, LA, is a medical specialist in general surgery, surgical oncology (cancer surgery), and colon & rectal surgery. He is a graduate of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Medicine. -
Dr. Eric Charles Wendel II, MD
Dr. Eric Wendel is a Covington, LA physician who specializes in urology (urinary tract disease). Dr. Wendel is a graduate of Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans. -
Mrs. Monica Andrews Butz, NP, FNP
Ms. Monica Butz's specialties are pediatric otolaryngology (ear, nose & throat) and family medicine. She practices in Hammond, LA and Covington, LA. -
Dr. Emily M. Kamen, MD
Dr. Emily Kamen is an otolaryngology (ear, nose, and throat) specialist in Covington, LA. She studied at New York University (NYU) School of Medicine.