Addiction Therapists - Kokomo, IN
We found 16 addiction therapists in Kokomo, IN. See refinement options below.
Ms. Lori Annette Robertson, LCAC, LCSW
Ms. Lori Robertson specializes in social work, counseling, and addiction therapy and practices in Kokomo, IN. -
Mrs. Rita Marie Tattersall, L.C.A.C.
Ms. Rita Tattersall's specialties are counseling and addiction therapy. She practices in Kokomo, IN. -
Mr. Ronald Williams, CADAC II, LCSW
Mr. Ronald Williams' areas of specialization are social work, counseling, and addiction therapy; he sees patients in Kokomo, IN. -
Mary Ellen Osburn, LCSW
Ms. Mary Osburn works as a social work, counseling, and addiction therapy specialist in Kokomo, IN. -
Stanley Thomas Antonelli III, L.C.A.C., L.C.S.W.
Mr. Stanley Antonelli practices social work, counseling, and addiction therapy in Kokomo, IN. -
Jeanna Le Suer, M.S
Ms. Jeanna Le Suer practices family therapy, counseling, and addiction therapy in Kokomo, IN. -
Mr. David Frank Stouse, LCSW, MA, MAC
Mr. David Stouse specializes in social work, counseling, and addiction therapy and practices in Kokomo, IN. -
Mrs. Susan W. Moody, LCAC, RPT, LCSW
Ms. Susan Moody is a social work, counseling, and addiction therapy specialist in Kokomo, IN. -
Edward Monroe Cleaver, LCSW
Mr. Edward Cleaver's areas of specialization are social work, counseling, and addiction therapy; he sees patients in Kokomo, IN. -
Mrs. Sherry Lynn Helton, ADDICTION, COUNSELOR
Ms. Sherry Helton is a counseling and addiction therapy specialist in Kokomo, IN. -
Cynthia Marie Betzner II, CADAC
Ms. Cynthia Betzner's specialties are counseling and addiction therapy. She practices in Kokomo, IN. -
Kylee Michelle Bennett-Hiles
Ms. Kylee Bennett-Hiles practices counseling and addiction therapy in Kokomo, IN. -
Peggy Gross, MA
Ms. Peggy Gross specializes in counseling and addiction therapy and practices in Kokomo, IN. -
Courtney Seeler, BS, CADAC II
Ms. Courtney Seeler's areas of specialization are counseling and addiction therapy; she sees patients in Kokomo, IN. -
Maeghan Grove, ACIT 1
Ms. Maeghan Grove's areas of specialization are counseling and addiction therapy; she sees patients in Kokomo, IN. -
Michael D. Prather IV, CADAC