Cardiologists - Groton, CT
We found 8 cardiologists in Groton, CT.
Aimee J. Criscuolo Beck, PA
Ms. Aimee Criscuolo Beck specializes in cardiology (heart disease) and practices in Groton, CT and Middletown, CT. -
Dr. Robert Ramak Attaran, MD, FACC
Dr. Robert Attaran specializes in general practice, adult cardiology, and interventional cardiology and practices in Bridgeport, CT, Groton, CT, and Branford, CT. -
Dr. Christopher Jennings Regan, MD, FSCAI
Dr. Christopher Regan's specialties are general practice, adult cardiology, and interventional cardiology. He practices in New Haven, CT, Groton, CT, and Waterford, CT. Dr. Regan graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) School of Medicine. -
Dr. Carlos I. Mena-Hurtado, MD
Dr. Phillip G. Painley, DO
Dr. Phillip Painley sees patients in Wexford, PA, Grove City, PA, and Butler, PA. His medical specialties are general practice and interventional cardiology. He attended Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. -
Dr. Samer Azouz, MD
Dr. Samer Azouz specializes in adult cardiology, interventional cardiology, and nuclear cardiology and practices in Gibsonia, PA, Grove City, PA, and Wexford, PA. -
Dr. Padmini Sircar, MD
Dr. Padmini Sircar is a Groton, CT physician who specializes in adult cardiology. -
Dr. C. Wallace Andrias, M.D.
Dr. C. Andrias is a Groton, CT physician who specializes in adult cardiology.