Internists - Orange, CA
We found over 500 internists in Orange, CA.
Dr. Erum Iqbal Bajwa, MD
Dr. Erum Bajwa specializes in cardiology (heart disease) and practices in Orange, CA. She is a graduate of UC Irvine School of Medicine. -
Dr. Michael Y. Chan, MD
Dr. Michael Chan practices interventional cardiology in Fullerton, CA and Orange, CA. He attended Stanford Medical School. -
Dr. Timothy Euiwon Byun, MD
Dr. Timothy Byun is an Orange, CA physician who specializes in oncology (cancer care) and hematology (blood disorders). He attended Medical Rush Medical College. -
Dr. Warren David Johnston, MD
Dr. Warren Johnston is an advanced heart failure and transplant cardiology specialist in Orange, CA. Dr. Johnston studied at the University of Rochester School of Medicine. -
Dr. Sam S. Huang, MD
Dr. Sam Huang is an Orange, CA physician who specializes in oncology (cancer care) and hematology (blood disorders). Dr. Huang graduated from Cornell University Medical College. -
Dr. William E. Karnes Jr., MD
Dr. William Karnes' specialties are general practice and adult gastroenterology. He practices in Orange, CA, Irvine, CA, and Costa Mesa, CA. Dr. Karnes attended the University of Minnesota Medical School. -
Dr. Donald Mahon, MD
Dr. Donald Mahon works as an interventional cardiology and advanced heart failure and transplant cardiology specialist in Orange, CA. He attended Baylor College of Medicine. -
Dr. Andrew Chuong Phan, MD
Dr. Andrew Phan, who practices in Orange, CA, is a medical specialist in rheumatology (arthritis & autoimmune diseases). He graduated from UC San Diego. -
Dr. Llanyee Isabella Liwanpo, MD
Dr. Llanyee Liwanpo is an endocrinology specialist in Orange, CA. She studied at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. -
Dr. Kathleen E. Glaspy, MD
Dr. Kathleen Glaspy studied at UC Irvine. -
Dr. Yasir Aslam Qazi, MD
Dr. Yasir Qazi is a nephrology (kidney disease) specialist in Orange, CA and Los Angeles, CA. He attended SMHS Hospital of Medical College. -
Dr. Madhavi Mummaneni, MD
Dr. Madhavi Mummaneni, who practices in Orange, CA, is a medical specialist in oncology (cancer care) and hematology (blood disorders). She studied at Rangaraya Medical College- India- MBBS. -
Dr. Alex V. Zand, MD
Dr. Alex Zand is a general internal medicine specialist in Orange, CA. He attended Medical St George's School Of Medicine. -
Dr. Nimisha Parekh, MD
Dr. Nimisha Parekh is an adult gastroenterology specialist in Orange, CA, Irvine, CA, and Tustin, CA. Dr. Parekh attended Tulane University School of Medicine. -
Bernadine M. Deramo, NP
Dr. Bernadine Deramo is a family medicine specialist in Orange, CA and Anaheim, CA. -
Dr. Mehrnaz Hojjati, MD
Dr. Mehrnaz Hojjati practices adult rheumatology in Orange, CA and Loma Linda, CA. She is a graduate of Shaheed Beheshti Medical University.