Complementary and alternative medicine is a field that offers treatment not typically performed by a licensed doctor in a clinical setting. Patients may use complementary and alternative medicine to complement or replace standard medical treatment. Alternative medicine practitioners are typically not physicians but may be licensed health professionals. Although complementary and alternative medicine is often controversial and frequently not a part of mainstream health care, patients may find complementary and alternative medicine useful in managing some symptoms. The scope of complementary and alternative medicine treatment is broad. For example, patients who use complementary and alternative medicine may visit an acupuncturist or take special vitamins. Common forms of complementary and alternative medicine treatment include:
Possible benefits of complementary and alternative medicine include stress management and pain relief. Some forms of complementary and alternative medicine such as yoga and meditation may relax patients by lowering blood pressure and improving sleep. Complementary and alternative medicine also sometimes permits patients to participate in their own treatment or recovery process.
Complementary and alternative medicine is sometimes abbreviated as CAM.
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