Thomas S. Murphy, LPC is a counselor in Waynesville, MO specializing in counseling.
413 Historic 66 W
Waynesville, MO 65583
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He has a state license in Missouri.
Licensed In: Missouri
Thomas S. Murphy, LPC has an average of 1.0 out of 5 stars based on 1 ratings. We collect ratings and reviews of Thomas S. Murphy, LPC from all over the web to help you find the right in Waynesville, MO.
He took a booking through military One Source for an in person appointment. Slightly before 5pm the night prior to our appointment he text to ask if we would mind changing to a virtual session. We advised we would not. He then said if we refused he would cancel and couldn?t get us in for nearly two weeks. Then he said that according to his records it was always a phone in, which is weird since he started his text by asking us to switch. We verified with military one source and advised him that he was in fact being untruthful. He cancelled our appointment altogether.
Mr. Thomas Murphy specializes in counseling and practices in Waynesville, MO. Mr. Murphy obtained a license to practice in Missouri.