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Dr. Ted D. Epperly, MD is a family medicine practitioner in Meridian, ID specializing in family medicine. He graduated from University of Washington School of Medicine. Dr. Ted D. Epperly, MD is affiliated with Saint Alphonsus Health System.
2275 South Eagle Road #120
Meridian, ID 83642
6565 Emerald Street
Boise, ID 83704
777 North Raymond Street
Boise, ID 83704
Dr. Ted D. Epperly, MD graduated from University of Washington School of Medicine. He completed residency at Madigan Healthcare System. He is certified by the Family Medicine, Family Medicine and has a state license in Idaho.
Medical School: University of Washington School of Medicine
Residency: Madigan Healthcare System
Board Certification: Family Medicine, Family Medicine
Licensed In: Idaho
Dr. Ted D. Epperly, MD is associated with these hospitals and organizations:
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Dr. Ted Epperly specializes in family medicine and practices in Boise, ID and Meridian, ID. In his practice, Dr. Epperly focuses on primary care. Dr. Epperly graduated from the University of Washington School of Medicine. He is affiliated with Saint Alphonsus Health System.