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Dr. Steven Katsuyama, MD is an obstetrician and gynecologist in Lincoln, CA specializing in obstetrics & gynecology. He graduated from Loma Linda University School of Medicine in 1996 and has 28 years of experience. Dr. Steven Katsuyama, MD is affiliated with PERMANENTE MEDICAL GROUP INC.
1900 Dresden Drive
Lincoln, CA 95648
Dr. Steven Katsuyama, MD graduated from Loma Linda University School of Medicine in 1996. He has a state license in California.
Medical School: Loma Linda University School of Medicine (1996)
Licensed In: California
Dr. Steven Katsuyama, MD is associated with these hospitals and organizations:
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Dr. Steven Katsuyama, MD has received 1 research payments totaling $50.
Dr. Steven Katsuyama is a medical specialist in obstetrics & gynecology. Dr. Katsuyama attended medical school at Loma Linda University School of Medicine.