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Dr. Stephanie Therese Trexler, M.D. is an obstetrician and gynecologist in Lutz, FL specializing in obstetrics & gynecology. She graduated from Eastern Virginia Medical School in 2012 and has 12 years of experience. Dr. Stephanie Therese Trexler, M.D. is affiliated with OBHG NORTH CAROLINA PC.
1908 Land O Lakes Boulevard
Lutz, FL 33549
Dr. Stephanie Therese Trexler, M.D. graduated from Eastern Virginia Medical School in 2012. She has a state license in Florida.
Medical School: Eastern Virginia Medical School (2012)
Licensed In: Florida
Dr. Stephanie Therese Trexler, M.D. is associated with these hospitals and organizations:
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These charts describe general payments received by Dr. Stephanie Therese Trexler, M.D.. Doctors may receive payments for a number of reasons, including meal compensation, travel compensation, and consulting.
AMAG Pharmaceuticals, Inc. |
Makena $206 |
AbbVie, Inc. |
Orilissa $187 |
Lupron $54 |
$22 |
TherapeuticsMD, Inc. |
BIJUVA $165 |
Astora Women's Health LLC |
Duchesnay USA Incorporated |
Osphena $122 |
Bonjesta $24 |
Diclegis $16 |
Other |
Exparel $118 |
MD cobas Instruments and Reagents $74 |
Pico $66 |
Prolia $32 |
Other $327 |
Food and Beverage | $1,553 |
Education | $302 |
Dr. Stephanie Trexler is a physician who specializes in obstetrics & gynecology. She studied medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School.