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Dr. Romulo C. Tengco, MD is a family medicine practitioner in El Paso, TX specializing in family medicine and geriatrics (elderly care).
2300 Mckinley Avenue
El Paso, TX 79930
He has a state license in New Jersey.
Licensed In: New Jersey
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These charts describe general payments received by Dr. Romulo C. Tengco, MD. Doctors may receive payments for a number of reasons, including meal compensation, travel compensation, and consulting.
Amgen Inc. |
Prolia $216 |
Repatha $109 |
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP |
FARXIGA $225 |
Genentech USA, Inc. |
XOLAIR $118 |
Sunovion Pharmaceuticals Inc. |
Lonhala Magnair $113 |
Pfizer Inc. |
ELIQUIS $112 |
Other |
SOLIRIS $108 |
Aptensio XR $102 |
Food and Beverage | $1,197 |
Dr. Romulo C. Tengco, MD has received 1 research payments totaling $844.
Dr. Romulo Tengco is a family medicine and geriatrics (elderly care) specialist in El Paso, TX. Dr. Tengco has obtained a license to practice in New Jersey.