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Dr. Roderick T. Beaman Jr., D.O. is a family medicine practitioner in Jacksonville, FL specializing in family medicine.
8761 Perimeter Park Boulevard Suite 101
Jacksonville, FL 32216
He has a state license in Florida.
Licensed In: Florida
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These charts describe general payments received by Dr. Roderick T. Beaman Jr., D.O.. Doctors may receive payments for a number of reasons, including meal compensation, travel compensation, and consulting.
Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc |
Orexo US, Inc. |
Zubsolv $268 |
Abbott Laboratories |
AMPLATZER Occluders $137 |
Mitra Clip system $86 |
Kaleo, Inc. |
Evzio $177 |
Novo Nordisk Inc |
Victoza $96 |
NovoLog $38 |
Other |
BELBUCA $117 |
Pradaxa $111 |
Other $384 |
Food and Beverage | $2,167 |
Dr. Roderick T. Beaman Jr., D.O. has received 1 research payments totaling $150.
Dr. Roderick Beaman is a family medicine specialist in Jacksonville, FL. Dr. Beaman has obtained a license to practice in Florida.