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Mr. Pete Sanchez, FNP is an alternative medicine practitioner in Harlingen, TX specializing in complementary and alternative medicine, internal medicine (adult medicine), family medicine, home health and geriatrics (elderly care). Mr. Pete Sanchez, FNP is affiliated with CenterWell Harlingen.
801 North Ed Carey Drive
Harlingen, TX 78550
He has a state license in Texas.
Licensed In: Texas
Mr. Pete Sanchez, FNP is associated with these hospitals and organizations:
Mr. Pete Sanchez, FNP appears to accept the following insurance providers: Cigna, Aetna, Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Wellcare, Medicare Railroad, Allwell Medicare by Superior, Medicare, WellPoint, Humana, Original Medicare and Prominence.
According to our sources, Mr. Pete Sanchez, FNP accepts the following insurance providers:
Mr. Pete Sanchez, FNP does not have any reviews yet, be the first to leave a review of Mr. Pete Sanchez, FNP here: Leave a Review
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Mr. Pete Sanchez specializes in general practice, family medicine, and home health. According to Yext, he is not acceping new patients at this time.