Ms. Paula J. Jirak, PTA is a physical therapist in West Des Moines, IA specializing in physical therapy. Ms. Paula J. Jirak, PTA is affiliated with The Iowa Clinic.
West Des Moines, IA 50266
She has a state license in Iowa.
Licensed In: Iowa
Ms. Paula J. Jirak, PTA is associated with these hospitals and organizations:
Ms. Paula J. Jirak, PTA has an exceptional overall rating with an average of 5.0 out of 5 stars based on 32 ratings. We collect ratings and reviews of Ms. Paula J. Jirak, PTA from all over the web to help you find the right in West Des Moines, IA.
Ms. Paula Jirak's specialty is physical therapy. Patients rated Ms. Jirak highly, giving her an average of 5.0 stars (out of 5). She is professionally affiliated with The Iowa Clinic.