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Dr. Nicole S. George, MD is a pediatrician in Fairfield, OH specializing in general pediatrics.
5502 Dixie Highway
Fairfield, OH 45014
She has a state license in Ohio.
Licensed In: Ohio
Dr. Nicole S. George, MD does not have any reviews yet, be the first to leave a review of Dr. Nicole S. George, MD here: Leave a Review
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These charts describe general payments received by Dr. Nicole S. George, MD. Doctors may receive payments for a number of reasons, including meal compensation, travel compensation, and consulting.
GlaxoSmithKline, LLC. |
$1,458 |
Davol Inc. |
DePuy Synthes Sales Inc. |
MILAGRO $122 |
Ethicon US, LLC |
DERMABOND Portfolio $38 |
Stryker Corporation |
Other |
YCANTH $20 |
All Spine Stimulation $12 |
SKLICE $10 |
Travel and Lodging | $969 |
Food and Beverage | $879 |
Dr. Nicole S. George, MD has received 145 research payments totaling $250,864.
Dr. Nicole George specializes in general pediatrics and practices in Fairfield, OH. Dr. George has obtained a license to practice in Ohio.