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Dr. Neil M. Warshawsky, DDS is an orthodontist in Lincolnshire, IL specializing in orthodontics (braces).
275 Parkway D R Suite 523
Lincolnshire, IL 60069
He has a state license in Illinois.
Licensed In: Illinois
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These charts describe general payments received by Dr. Neil M. Warshawsky, DDS. Doctors may receive payments for a number of reasons, including meal compensation, travel compensation, and consulting.
3M Company |
Clarity Aligner $1,157,897 |
Clarity Aligners $341,828 |
Clarity Orthodontic Bracket $35,390 |
True Defintion Scanner $20,159 |
Other Ortho Products not found on this list $7,355 |
Other $4,632 |
Raintree Essix Inc |
Orthodontic Dentistry $131,608 |
Dentsply Orthodontics $22,796 |
MTM $6,048 |
Consumable Dentistry $3,475 |
Raintree Essix $70 |
DENTSPLY Canada Ltd |
Orthodontic Dentistry $12,199 |
MTM $237 |
Consumable Dentistry $24 |
GAC International LLC |
Orthodontic Dentistry $1,722 |
MTM $23 |
SpaceFile $10 |
American Orthodontics Corporation |
Orthodontic Prosthetics $195 |
Other |
Orthodontics $675 |
PITTS 21 $255 |
Tapered Screw-Vent $159 |
Other $2,712 |
Royalty or License | $900,105 |
Consulting Fee | $583,400 |
Compensation for serving as faculty or as a speaker for an accredited or certified continuing education program | $117,650 |
Travel and Lodging | $67,070 |
Compensation for serving as faculty or as a speaker for a non-accredited and noncertified continuing education program | $38,500 |
Other | $44,550 |
Dr. Neil M. Warshawsky, DDS has received 3 research payments totaling $131,303.
Dr. Neil Warshawsky practices orthodontics (braces) in Lincolnshire, IL. Dr. Warshawsky has obtained a license to practice in Illinois.