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Dr. Moira A. Shanahan, MD is an obstetrician and gynecologist in Lebanon, NH specializing in obstetrics & gynecology. She graduated from Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, NH in 1993 and has 31 years of experience. Dr. Moira A. Shanahan, MD is affiliated with Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center.
Lebanon, NH 03756
Dr. Moira A. Shanahan, MD graduated from Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, NH in 1993. She completed residency at Women and Infants' Hospital, Brown Medical School, Providence, RI. She has a state license in Maine.
Medical School: Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, NH (1993)
Residency: Women and Infants' Hospital, Brown Medical School, Providence, RI (1997)
Licensed In: Maine
Dr. Moira A. Shanahan, MD is associated with these hospitals and organizations:
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Dr. Moira Shanahan, who practices in Lebanon, NH, is a medical specialist in obstetrics & gynecology. Dr. Shanahan has obtained a license to practice in New Hampshire. Dr. Shanahan is open to request or schedule a virtual visit.