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Dr. Michael Muradian, MD is a primary care doctor in Minneapolis, MN specializing in primary care and emergency medicine. He graduated from Medical College of Wisconsin in 2020 and has 4 years of experience. Dr. Michael Muradian, MD is affiliated with University of Minnesota Physicians and Fairview Health Services.
500 Se Harvard Street
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Dr. Michael Muradian, MD graduated from Medical College of Wisconsin in 2020. He has a state license in Minnesota.
Medical School: Medical College of Wisconsin (2020)
Licensed In: Minnesota
Dr. Michael Muradian, MD is associated with these hospitals and organizations:
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Dr. Michael Muradian sees patients in Minneapolis, MN. His medical specialties are primary care and emergency medicine. He attended medical school at Medical College of Wisconsin. He is affiliated with the University of Minnesota Physicians and Fairview Health Services.