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Dr. Maryann Ysabel Alvarez Griffis, DO, MS is a pediatrician in San Antonio, TX specializing in general pediatrics and child abuse pediatrics. Dr. Maryann Ysabel Alvarez Griffis, DO, MS is affiliated with CHRISTUS Health.
315 N San Saba
San Antonio, TX 78207
3939 Medical Drive
San Antonio, TX 78229
7703 Floyd Curl Drive
San Antonio, TX 78229
She has a state license in Virginia.
Licensed In: Virginia
Dr. Maryann Ysabel Alvarez Griffis, DO, MS is associated with these hospitals and organizations:
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Dr. Maryann Alvarez Griffis sees patients in San Antonio, TX. Her medical specialty is general pediatrics. Dr. Alvarez Griffis has obtained a license to practice in Texas.