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Mary Jo McCleary, OTR/L is an occupational therapist in Des Moines, IA specializing in occupational therapy. Mary Jo McCleary, OTR/L is affiliated with MercyOne.
501 Sw 7th Street Suite Q
Des Moines, IA 50309
Musculoskeletal Problems
The musculoskeletal system refers collectively to the bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, and nerves. It is what gives the body structure and movement. Because this system encompasses so much of the body, musculoskeletal problems are extremely varied and can happen almost anywhere. There are musculoskeletal problems that affect only the joints, those that affect the bones, those that affect tendons and ligaments, and those that can happen in any area of the body but cause pain and numbness.
Joint problems include bursitis and arthritis. Bursitis is the inflammation of a fluid-filled sac cushion on the outside of a joint, causing symptoms including pain and swelling. Arthritis is the inflammation and damage of a joint due to wear and tear or disease. There are several treatments for arthritis, but if the damage progresses far enough, joint replacement may be necessary. In joint replacement, a metal or plastic implant is surgically placed within the joint to make movement easier.
Bone problems include scoliosis, fractures, and osteoporosis. Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine, making the normally straight spine look like a 'C' or 'S.' It is treated with braces or surgery. Osteoporosis is a disease that causes bones to weaken and break easily. It's most common in women, especially older women. Fully half of all women over 65 have osteoporosis. Fractures are any break in the bone. They can be a simple crack or a severe and complicated shatter. Osteoporosis causes fractures in people who have it, but other causes are trauma (such as a fall) or overuse.
Tendon and ligament problems most often result from injury or overuse. Two good examples are ligament tears and tendonitis. The most common ligament tear is the ACL tear in the knee. This ligament supports and stabilizes the knee and is most often torn during sports activities. Tendonitis happens when a tendon, which connects muscles and bones together, becomes irritated and inflamed. This happens most often in older patients who push their bodies too far, leading to pain and swelling. Treatment for both tendon and ligament problems usually includes rest, ice, and supporting the area to let it heal.
Pain and numbness problems can be caused by overuse, disease, an injury, or a compressed nerve. Lower back pain and carpal tunnel syndrome are two of the most common conditions patients encounter. Lower back pain may be caused by sore muscles that have been overworked, or an injury to the disks separating the vertebrae in the spine. Lower back pain usually goes away on its own within a few days, but it may require medical treatment depending on the cause. Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the nerve at the base of the palm becomes trapped or pinched. Symptoms include tingling, pain, numbness, or weakness in the hand. Treatment involves rest and sometimes steroid injections.
Because the musculoskeletal system involves so much of the body, problems here can be incredibly varied in their type and severity. Some musculoskeletal problems will go away on their own or only require rest, while others may require medication, physical therapy, or even surgery.
A stroke is a medical emergency that occurs when a blood vessel supplying oxygen and nutrients to the brain is ruptured or blocked. The brain cannot function without a steady supply of oxygen and nutrients, so when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted, even for a brief moment, brain cells begin to die. When a sufficient number of brain cells die, the brain itself can no longer function, meaning that strokes are very dangerous. Strokes can result in impaired movement, speech, cognitive ability, the impairment of important physical functions, and even death.
Anyone can have a stroke, regardless of age and health. Strokes are known to happen at random. However, certain conditions and behaviors can increase one's risk of stroke over time.
Risk factors for stroke include:
There are two main types of stroke: ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke. Ischemic stroke occurs more commonly and is when a blood vessel in the brain becomes blocked. Blockages are caused by blood clots and built-up plaque (deposits of fat and cholesterol), which leads to atherosclerosis, a condition where the blood vessels narrow and harden. The resultant restricted blood flow may lead to an ischemic stroke by blocking essential oxygen to the brain, causing the heart to exert more effort to pump blood.
Hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel in or around the brain ruptures. The burst vessel leaks blood into surrounding brain tissue, causing irreparable brain damage.
Hemorrhagic strokes are less common and may occur from head injuries, brain aneurysms, brain tumors, and bleeding disorders, amongst other conditions.
Both ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes require immediate medical treatment. Medical intervention can prevent severe and life-threatening brain damage. Signs of stroke include:
-Disorientation or confusion
-Difficulty speaking
-Difficulty walking
-Impaired vision
-Weakness in the face, legs, or arms
-Severe headaches
When someone suspected of having a stroke reaches the hospital, the patient will usually receive a CT or other scan that provides an image of the brain. The scan results can reveal clotted or leaking blood in the brain. Physical exams, neurological exams, and blood tests may also be used to check for blood clotting and sugar. Treatment begins generally immediately if a stroke is detected.
Medical treatment for ischemic strokes includes a thrombolytic medicine which breaks up and disperses blood clots. This medicine can greatly improve stroke recovery and long-term health. However, the thrombolytic medicine must be administered as soon as possible to achieve these results. Other treatments for ischemic strokes are blood thinners and thrombectomy, a surgical procedure to remove a blood clot in the brain. Thrombectomy is performed by inserting a catheter (thin needle) into the artery to reach the blood clot and mechanically remove it. With the clot removed, normal blood flow to the brain resumes. Thrombectomy is typically performed at most six hours after a patient shows signs of a stroke.
Hemorrhagic strokes are treated with blood-saving medication and surgery. For a hemorrhagic stroke caused by the rupture of an aneurysm (blood vessel bulges), surgery to stem the bleeding aneurysm and vessel may be used. One surgical technique is stent-assisted coiling, which adds a stent (small wire-meshed tube) into the blood vessel to block the leaking opening of the aneurysm. A non-surgical procedure is endovascular coiling, where a catheter (thin, hollow needle) places a platinum wire coil at the spot of the aneurysm. The coil blocks bleeding and prevents the aneurysm from continuing to leak blood. These procedures are usually combined with blood-thickening medications. Blood transfusions may be administered if substantial blood loss has occurred.
Since stroke patients may have lost some essential functions while the blood flow to their brains was obstructed, both ischemic stroke and hemorrhage stroke patients may receive post-stroke rehabilitation to rebuild their physical and mental abilities. Some restorative treatments include occupational, physical, and speech therapy. Patients may also receive care from neurologists, who can assist patients in recovering certain brain functions and cognitive abilities, and rehabilitation psychologists, who may help patients with their emotional, behavioral, and cognitive recovery. Some stroke patients require lengthy rehabilitation and may never fully regain function, while others may recover more quickly. While the fastest recovery improvements are usually seen in the first three or four months, stroke rehabilitation can last for years.
If someone begins to show signs of stroke, contact emergency services and call 9-1-1 immediately since blood flow must be restored as soon as possible to help avoid significant brain damage. If an ambulance takes the person to the hospital, paramedics can initiate stroke treatment as soon as the patient enters the ambulance, allowing for more prompt medical intervention and care.
She has a state license in Iowa.
Licensed In: Iowa
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Ms. Mary McCleary works as an occupational therapy. In her practice, Ms. McCleary focuses on musculoskeletal problems. She is professionally affiliated with MercyOne. MercyOne reports that she is accepting new patients at her office in Des Moines, IA.