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Dr. Marietta De Guzman, MD is a pediatric rheumatologist in Houston, TX specializing in pediatric rheumatology. Dr. Marietta De Guzman, MD is affiliated with Texas Children's.
6701 Fannin Street
Houston, TX 77030
She has a state license in Texas.
Licensed In: Texas
Dr. Marietta De Guzman, MD is associated with these hospitals and organizations:
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These charts describe general payments received by Dr. Marietta De Guzman, MD. Doctors may receive payments for a number of reasons, including meal compensation, travel compensation, and consulting.
AbbVie, Inc. |
Humira $255 |
$115 |
Genentech USA, Inc. |
Actemra $132 |
Baxter Healthcare |
Integrated Pharmacy Solutions - Pre-Mix Drugs and Oncolytics $104 |
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP |
Mallinckrodt LLC |
ACTHAR $28 |
Other |
Ilaris $17 |
Food and Beverage | $731 |
Dr. Marietta De Guzman, MD has received 14 research payments totaling $161,461.
Dr. Marietta De Guzman is a physician who specializes in pediatric rheumatology. She is professionally affiliated with Texas Children's.