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Dr. Josephine Lindt, M.D. is a developmental pediatrician in Albany, CA specializing in developmental-behavioral pediatrics.
1402 Solano Avenue
Albany, CA 94706
She has a state license in California.
Licensed In: California
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This table describes ownership payments received by Dr. Josephine Lindt, M.D..
SI-Bone, Inc. | 2014 | $236,910.00 | Immediate family member | Stock |
SI-Bone, Inc. | 2015 | $187,938.00 | Immediate family member | stock |
SI-Bone, Inc. | 2016 | $155,246.00 | Immediate family member | stock |
SI-Bone, Inc. | 2017 | $149,576.52 | Immediate family member | stock |
SI-Bone, Inc. | 2013 | $77,785.00 | Immediate family member | stock |
Dr. Josephine Lindt, who practices in Albany, CA, is a medical specialist in developmental-behavioral pediatrics. Dr. Lindt obtained a license to practice in California.