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Dr. Jeffrey C. Bird, MD is a family medicine practitioner in Muncie, IN specializing in family medicine. He graduated from Indiana University School of Medicine in 1986 and has 38 years of experience. Dr. Jeffrey C. Bird, MD is affiliated with Indiana University Health, IU Health Ball Memorial Physicians and IU Health Ball Memorial.
221 Celia Avenue
Muncie, IN 47303
Dr. Jeffrey C. Bird, MD graduated from Indiana University School of Medicine in 1986. He has a state license in Indiana.
Medical School: Indiana University School of Medicine (1986)
Licensed In: Indiana
Dr. Jeffrey C. Bird, MD is associated with these hospitals and organizations:
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Dr. Jeffrey Bird is a specialist in family medicine. Dr. Bird studied medicine at Indiana University School of Medicine. He is affiliated with IU Health Ball Memorial Physicians. Indiana University Health reports that he is closed to new patients at this time.