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Dr. Jeffrey Alvarado, DDS is a general dentist in Edinburg, TX specializing in general dentistry.
3103 Center Point Drive
Edinburg, TX 78539
He has a state license in Texas.
Licensed In: Texas
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These charts describe general payments received by Dr. Jeffrey Alvarado, DDS. Doctors may receive payments for a number of reasons, including meal compensation, travel compensation, and consulting.
Sirona Dental Systems Inc. |
CEREC $600 |
Intego $103 |
TENEO $8 |
Dentsply Sirona Inc |
TENEO $553 |
CEREC $178 |
Orthophos E $156 |
Primemill $64 |
Other $996 |
Straumann USA LLC |
$1,426 |
Henry Schein, Inc. |
$377 |
Align Technology, Inc. |
Invisalign $716 |
Other |
Opalescence $542 |
3I - DENTAL $261 |
All T3 Implants $100 |
3i-Dental $94 |
Other $940 |
Food and Beverage | $3,923 |
Gift | $2,778 |
Education | $2,613 |
Travel and Lodging | $787 |
Entertainment | $498 |
Other | $115 |
Dr. Jeffrey Alvarado works as a general dentistry specialist in Edinburg, TX. Dr. Alvarado has obtained a license to practice in Texas.