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Dr. Jayme Erin Parker, DO is a family medicine practitioner in Valdosta, GA specializing in family medicine. Dr. Jayme Erin Parker, DO is affiliated with CHRISTUS Health and SGMC PHYSICIAN NETWORK INC.
4370 Kings Way
Valdosta, GA 31602
She has a state license in Georgia.
Licensed In: Georgia
Dr. Jayme Erin Parker, DO is associated with these hospitals and organizations:
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These charts describe general payments received by Dr. Jayme Erin Parker, DO. Doctors may receive payments for a number of reasons, including meal compensation, travel compensation, and consulting.
AbbVie Inc. |
Lilly USA, LLC |
Salix Pharmaceuticals, a division of Bausch Health US, LLC |
Pfizer Inc. |
Amgen Inc. |
Repatha $22 |
Other |
Kerendia $20 |
Ozempic $19 |
Veozah $18 |
Other $15 |
Food and Beverage | $328 |
Dr. Jayme Parker specializes in family medicine. She is professionally affiliated with CHRISTUS Health.