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Dr. Jannie Im is an orthodontist in Mayfield Heights, OH specializing in orthodontics (braces).
5875 Landerbrook Drive
Mayfield Heights, OH 44124
She has a state license in North Carolina.
Licensed In: North Carolina
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These charts describe general payments received by Dr. Jannie Im. Doctors may receive payments for a number of reasons, including meal compensation, travel compensation, and consulting.
Midmark Corporation |
$237 |
American Orthodontics Corporation |
Align Technology, Inc. |
Invisalign $149 |
Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC |
Hu-Friedy IMS System $87 |
Ortho Organizers, Inc. |
Ortho Organizers $27 |
Orthodontic Bracket Adhesive No-MixSystem $12 |
Other |
SPARK $14 |
(3128) Prem Diam Cl Handle $12 |
Orthodontic Ceramic Brackets $11 |
$20 |
Food and Beverage | $398 |
Education | $149 |
Gift | $92 |
Charitable Contribution | $90 |
Dr. Jannie Im works as an orthodontics (braces) specialist in Mayfield Heights, OH. Dr. Im has obtained a license to practice in North Carolina.