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Freddy Honeycutt, LPC is a counselor in Simpsonville, SC specializing in counseling. Freddy Honeycutt, LPC is affiliated with BetterHelp.
“Hi! Welcome to my page. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC in Georgia and South Carolina) & Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC nationally); with over a decade and a half of experience in helping people to move forward. Are you stressed, depressed, anxious, overwhelmed, disconnected, or dissatisfied with your life? Are you experiencing a situation that you think no one will understand? Perhaps your situation is rare and you are not certain if what you are experiencing is real? Are you ready for help that is actually helpful? Is guilt or shame stopping you from getting to the life you want? Where ever you are and whatever you are going through, I am ready to help you figure out the first or next steps. Are you ready to explore options, make choices and start living a better life? Sometimes when we try to change it impacts the system around us, sometimes leading to outcomes we did not necessarily intend, but have no control over. I understand that no two people are the same and that every individual is to be respected as unique with very different feelings, actions, thoughts, experiences, and history. My holistic approach to treatment is tailored to you, an individual. Whether you only need a safe, non-judgmental environment in which to grow and find your own way, or you need help to deal with long term suffering, or someone to make the journey through some dark place, then I am waiting to go with you. I have a very open, honest, engaging style that incorporates humor, metaphor and encouragement into the therapeutic process, a process that is self-directed and empowering for you my client. If I am wrong about any of this please let me know. I utilize various theoretical approaches including: person-centered, humanistic, existential, Adlerian, brief psycho-dynamic, and Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT); often framed in a skilled helper model. I have years of experience working with both disabilities (any type) and clinical mental health. I likewise specialized in technology assisted counseling, I have a proven record of counseling results including through the delivery of services via text based communication, and have utilized technology as an adjunct to face to face counseling during most of my professional career. I am waiting to begin where you are and start on any of these: Personal growth / development Anxiety / Depression Adjustment or re-adjustment Couple / parent concerns Anger management Interpersonal / social skills Disability (including psychiatric / invisible disabilities) Veterans Acute stress, trauma, post trauma (PTSD) Guilt / shame Bereavement / complex grief And more! Education: I earned my Bachelor's degrees, a BA in psychology and a BS in Chemistry from Arkansas Tech University, While working my way through school, I worked with persons with disabilities and also with persons seeking recovery from addictions. I earned my Master's degree in Counseling from the University of Arkansas in Little Rock. While pursuing my Master's I worked for the division of services for the blind, helping persons with visual impairment and blindness. I believe in a holistic approach to health and wellness. Experience: I have over a decade and a half of counseling experiences (rehabilitation and clinical mental health) including many referrals from community agencies in situations where the combination of factors was too varied for the system to address. In addition to my education and typical work experiences, I am also a combat veteran who served as a medic in Operation Iraqi Freedom, and have extensive training in helping with trauma, both mental/emotional and physical. I have a solid record of encouraging and challenging people to do the hard work needed to reach successful outcomes. I became interested in technology assisted counseling while working with persons who relied upon assistive-technology for face to face and social interaction, and yet due to the limitations of the portable technology and complexity of synchronous communication I quickly realized that asynchronous, text based”
Connect with this therapist via:
Online messaging - send messages throughout the day as you have time; relax and give yourself opportunity to fully ponder each step of the conversation
Video Visits - connect over video conferencing software for a virtual session -- almost as if you're there in person
Phone Visits - good old-fashioned technology for those who don't want to worry about appearance or who have might have internet bandwidth limitations; a little bit like connecting with an old friend, but with a counselor instead
Instant Message (IM) Visits - real-time chat -- like a phone call, but over text
Connecting with a therapist can be difficult. BetterHelp can help with that. They have an online network of licensed and accredited psychologists, marriage and family therapists, clinical social workers, and counselors. You can connect with their therapists via online video, phone, real-time chat, or asynchronous messaging. Easily switch therapists until you find one that fits you. Sign up through DocSpot for a discount on your first month's subscription.
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADHD)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, is one of the most common disorders diagnosed in children. Nine percent of children in the USA have been diagnosed with ADHD. Symptoms, which include hyperactivity and difficulty maintaining focus or paying attention, can last into adulthood for some patients. Boys are four times as likely to be diagnosed as girls, although experts don't know why this is.
There are three main types of ADHD:
When diagnosing ADHD, it is important to rule out other issues that may be causing the symptoms. Seizure disorders, hearing loss, anxiety, and domestic problems are some examples of problems that can cause behaviors similar to those seen with ADHD.
Treatment can include stimulant medications, behavioral therapy to teach patients ways to navigate their world and control symptoms better, and accommodations at school or work. A structured environment (with lots of organization and well-defined rules) seems to help most kids with ADHD function at their best.
ADHD is mainly thought of as a disorder that affects children, but symptoms can last into adulthood for a third to half of those diagnosed. In adults, ADHD has similar symptoms as when it is seen in children: impulsive behavior, difficulty maintaining focus, being easily distracted, or a tendency to fidget. These symptoms can cause problems in a patient's careers and relationships. Additionally, adults with ADHD are at increased risk for substance abuse. Medications can be an important part of treatment for adults, as well as stress reduction techniques and organization skills training. Specialized ADHD coaches can help adults with ADHD manage their symptoms and succeed in all areas of their life.
Career Difficulties
Career difficulties are issues related to one's career and work experience. There is a growing awareness in mental health and wellness communities that work and career issues may impact one's wellbeing. Several studies have found that work challenges and poor working conditions can result in low job satisfaction and a reduced sense of security. Career difficulties can also contribute to day-to-day stress, anxiety, and relationship issues. Career difficulties may include problems such as:
These problems and others can make a job seem unbearable. For example, a demanding or detached supervisor can contribute to poor job satisfaction and work anxiety. Similarly, a lack of control in one's job, such as the inability to work on a project or make day-to-day decisions, can diminish one's workplace morale. Many workers in these situations find themselves dissatisfied and eager to leave their jobs or even to become fired. However, resignations and job losses can pose equally challenging career difficulties. Job loss or unemployment can trigger financial stress as well as feelings of isolation, depression, and diminished self-confidence. People experiencing job loss may feel dissatisfied with other job prospects or fear their career opportunities are limited.
For many, mental health therapy can improve negative emotions and behaviors arising from career difficulties and both those with jobs and those experiencing job loss may benefit from therapy. Therapists may listen to people's career difficulties and provide advice for navigating a number of work-related problems. Online counseling can be particularly helpful for career issues in the modern workplace in that direct access to a therapist throughout the day can help alleviate recurring pressure and anxiety arising from one's job. Many people find that therapy or counseling for career difficulties can improve their overall job performance and disposition. For example, therapists can guide people to develop and hone essential skills, such as building the self-confidence necessary to deliver a presentation or the sustained focus needed to complete a lengthy project. For those experiencing job loss or unemployment, therapy can help with feelings of isolation, depression, and diminished self-confidence. Therapists may encourage some to seek other job prospects and opportunities. Like some problems in other areas of life, difficulties in the workplace can be debilitating for some, and consultations with a therapist can help some overcome initial feelings of being overwhelmed.
Career counseling is another option for those with career challenges. Career counselors help people develop professional skills and gain the tools necessary to further their careers. A career counselor may help with job applications, coach practice job interviews, proofread resumes, and provide networking strategies to move someone towards his or her ideal career. Career counseling can also help people navigate work problems like lack of motivation, indecisiveness, and burnout, so that they might better enjoy their current position.
Some people decide to switch career paths in order to achieve happiness and fulfillment. Through personality and aptitude tests, therapists and career counselors can help people identify occupations or industries that are better suited to them. Therapists and counselors also take into account a person's intellectual and physical strengths, as well as what a person values in work, whether that be job security or opportunity for creativity and challenge. Therapists and career counselors may recommend people complete certification courses or educational degrees to shift towards their ideal careers.
Career difficulties are a widespread issue that nearly everyone who works has or will endure at some point in time. Many people find that mental health therapy or career counseling can greatly improve their career satisfaction and overall happiness.
Everyone knows what it feels like to get the blues once in a while. But depression is a serious illness that is more severe than a bad day and lasts much longer. Symptoms of depression stop a person from being able to function and enjoy daily activities for weeks or months at a time. It can happen to anyone, and it isn't something that people can control by force of will or "snap out of it."
Some common symptoms of depression include:
We don't yet know what causes depression, but it's thought that it is a combination of genetic, biological, environmental, and social influences. Because of this, the most effective treatments for depression combine medication with psychotherapy. Therapy, especially cognitive-behavioral therapy, can be extremely helpful in resolving the negative thoughts and feelings that come with depression. It gives patients new tools that they can use themselves to cope when their depression is making them feel down.
Some of the common medications used to treat depression include antidepressants such as SSRI's (Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft) or atypical antidepressants (Cymbalta, Wellbutrin). It's important to remember that these medications have different effects on everybody, and no one medication works right for everyone. Patients may have to try a couple before finding the one that works just right for them. If the first medication they try doesn't work, they should talk to their doctor about trying something else. In extreme cases where medication is not enough, electro-convulsive therapy and hospitalization may be the answer to keeping a severely depressed person safe.
Depression is a difficult illness to deal with, but it is more common than believed and there are many people who can help. With the right treatment, individuals with depression can get back to fully enjoying life again.
He has a state license in South Carolina.
Licensed In: South Carolina
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Mr. Freddy Honeycutt is a counseling specialist in Simpsonville, SC. His areas of expertise include the following: career difficulties, anger management, and depression. He is professionally affiliated with BetterHelp. BetterHelp reports that Mr. Honeycutt is accepting new patients at his office in.