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Dr. Frank Roger Louis Frishkey, DDS is an oral surgeon in Houston, TX specializing in oral and maxillofacial surgery.
11725 Highland Meadow Drive
Houston, TX 77089
He has a state license in Texas.
Licensed In: Texas
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These charts describe general payments received by Dr. Frank Roger Louis Frishkey, DDS. Doctors may receive payments for a number of reasons, including meal compensation, travel compensation, and consulting.
Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc. |
All T3 Implants $10,134 |
TSV NG Surgical $9,836 |
Tapered Screw $3,469 |
Diem2 $2,335 |
Dental $287 |
Other $1,069 |
Benco Dental Supply Co. |
$3,000 |
Zimmer Holding Inc |
Dental $639 |
Tapered Screw-Vent Implant System $196 |
Navigator $184 |
3DIEMME RealGUIDE $127 |
TSX Implants $22 |
Bellatek $21 |
Other $20 |
Salvin Dental Specialties, Inc. |
$294 |
Other |
Bio Materials $191 |
Invisalign $143 |
Waterlase iPlus, Epic, iLase $85 |
Imaging, Waterlase iPlus, Epic, iLase $65 |
BioHorizons Dental Implants $53 |
Other $477 |
Gift | $19,746 |
Food and Beverage | $7,371 |
Grant | $3,000 |
Travel and Lodging | $2,366 |
Education | $125 |
Other | $38 |
Dr. Frank Frishkey works as an oral and maxillofacial surgery specialist in Houston, TX. Dr. Frishkey obtained a license to practice in Texas.