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Dr. Estela O'Daniell, MD, FAAP is an emergency medicine doctor in Corpus Christi, TX specializing in pediatric emergency medicine. Dr. Estela O'Daniell, MD, FAAP is affiliated with Driscoll Children's Hospital.
3533 S. Alameda Street
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
She has a state license in Texas.
Licensed In: Texas
Dr. Estela O'Daniell, MD, FAAP is associated with these hospitals and organizations:
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These charts describe general payments received by Dr. Estela O'Daniell, MD, FAAP. Doctors may receive payments for a number of reasons, including meal compensation, travel compensation, and consulting.
BioFire Diagnostics, LLC |
BioFire FilmArray $5,540 |
Film Array System $4,676 |
bioMerieux Inc |
Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. |
Strensiq $26 |
AbbVie Inc. |
Lupron Depot $21 |
Allergan Inc. |
Other |
Honoraria | $9,250 |
Compensation for services other than consulting, including serving as faculty or as a speaker at a venue other than a continuing education program | $7,526 |
Travel and Lodging | $2,718 |
Food and Beverage | $240 |
Dr. Estela O'Daniell, MD, FAAP has received 3 research payments totaling $17,797.
Dr. Estela O'Daniell's medical specialty is pediatric emergency medicine. Dr. O'Daniell is professionally affiliated with Driscoll Children's Hospital.