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Erin Milner, APRN is a nurse in Bridgeport, CT specializing in general surgery. Erin Milner, APRN is affiliated with Yale New Haven Health and Northeast Medical Group (NEMG).
267 Grant Street
Bridgeport, CT 06610
She has a state license in Connecticut.
Licensed In: Connecticut
Erin Milner, APRN is associated with these hospitals and organizations:
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These charts describe general payments received by Erin Milner, APRN. Doctors may receive payments for a number of reasons, including meal compensation, travel compensation, and consulting.
ANI Pharmaceuticals, Inc. |
Food and Beverage | $111 |
Ms. Erin Milner has been affiliated with Yale New Haven Health. Ms. Milner has obtained a license to practice in Connecticut. A virtual visit can be requested or scheduled with her.