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Dr. Eduardo Jose Herrera Lirio, M.D. is an obstetrician in Elsa, TX specializing in obstetrics. Dr. Eduardo Jose Herrera Lirio, M.D. is affiliated with ALEGENT CREIGHTON CLINIC.
119 Retama Street Suite A
Elsa, TX 78543
He has a state license in Nebraska.
Licensed In: Nebraska
Dr. Eduardo Jose Herrera Lirio, M.D. is associated with these hospitals and organizations:
Dr. Eduardo Jose Herrera Lirio, M.D. does not have any reviews yet, be the first to leave a review of Dr. Eduardo Jose Herrera Lirio, M.D. here: Leave a Review
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These charts describe general payments received by Dr. Eduardo Jose Herrera Lirio, M.D.. Doctors may receive payments for a number of reasons, including meal compensation, travel compensation, and consulting.
AbbVie Inc. |
Orilissa $137 |
AbbVie, Inc. |
Lupron $100 |
Orilissa $36 |
Boston Scientific Corporation |
Haemonetics Corporation |
TEG $46 |
Amgen Inc. |
Repatha $27 |
Prolia $14 |
Other |
RS Harmony Test Related Products $36 |
Kerendia $28 |
Tresiba $24 |
Makena $22 |
Veozah $21 |
Other $92 |
Food and Beverage | $674 |
Education | $22 |
Dr. Eduardo Herrera Lirio is an obstetrics specialist in Elsa, TX. Dr. Herrera Lirio obtained a license to practice in Nebraska.