Dina Gehrke, MS is a counselor in Deltona, FL specializing in counseling.
517 Deltona Boulevard Suite A
Deltona, FL 32725
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Dina Gehrke, MS has an average of 1.0 out of 5 stars based on 1 ratings. We collect ratings and reviews of Dina Gehrke, MS from all over the web to help you find the right in Deltona, FL.
I want to let people know about my experience with Dina. She was supposed to be providing therapy for my grandsons. I did not pick her the department did. It seemed to be going OK at first. She kept telling me she wanted to go slow and get to know the boys. Before she would talk to the boys she would talk to me and ask how they were doing.That was fine at the beginning. After she got to know me she told me over and over about her personal business.I was not interested in her divorce. One day she told me she was asked to do theraputic visitation with their father .She told me she would never want to do that even though the pay was $80 an hour. Well I guess money meant more to her. She never even told my grandsons that she wouldn't be talking to them anymore except to try to force them to talk to their father. She also isn't truthful in court proceedings. Please find someone else.
Ms. Dina Gehrke works as a counseling specialist in Deltona, FL.