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Dr. Chalongchai Phitsanuwong, MD is a pediatric neurologist in Chicago, IL specializing in pediatric neurology. Dr. Chalongchai Phitsanuwong, MD is affiliated with The University of Chicago Medicine.
5721 S. Maryland Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637
He has a state license in Illinois.
Licensed In: Illinois
Dr. Chalongchai Phitsanuwong, MD is associated with these hospitals and organizations:
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These charts describe general payments received by Dr. Chalongchai Phitsanuwong, MD. Doctors may receive payments for a number of reasons, including meal compensation, travel compensation, and consulting.
Fycompa $265 |
BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. |
Naglazyme $120 |
UCB, Inc. |
Briviact $114 |
Mallinckrodt LLC |
ACTHAR $106 |
Jazz Pharmaceuticals Inc. |
Epidiolex $89 |
Other |
APTIOM $89 |
Food and Beverage | $694 |
Education | $89 |
Dr. Chalongchai Phitsanuwong, MD has received 3 research payments totaling $39,488.
Dr. Chalongchai Phitsanuwong is a pediatric neurology specialist in Chicago, IL. For his residency, Dr. Phitsanuwong trained at a hospital affiliated with the University of Chicago. In his practice, he is particularly interested in genetic issues and epilepsy. Dr. Phitsanuwong is affiliated with The University of Chicago Medicine.